the solution to every problem is : a giraffe, Chuck Norris, and 48 pounds of TNT

Tontanker @tontanker


nuclear warfare

Money = root of all evil

new york

Joined on 12/29/08

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tontanker's News

Posted by tontanker - June 28th, 2009

while watching flash cartoons on New Grounds, i came across a flash called "The Nail" that was made by a flash artist that is known as Rtil. now if you are looking for a dramatic and funny flash then in my opinion "The Nail" is perfect to watch then. "The Nail" is basically about Foamy The Squirrel. However in my opinion the flash was basically a parody about Foamy. If you do not enjoy Parodies, different versions of Foamy, or just plain not interested then i highly suggest to not watch it. In other news i may not have flash skills but i still have slide shows on youtube if you want to see my videos then click this link and if you would subscribe, : wertnerve Also coming soon to my youtube channel Foamy The squirrel slide show

The Nail by Rtil

Posted by tontanker - June 21st, 2009

Have a good one lol

Posted by tontanker - May 25th, 2009

Happy Memorial Day 2009!!!! :D


Posted by tontanker - May 8th, 2009

i may have not been on ng for a long time, and i don't have any flash skills nor flash programs. while i have been here i have seen many hirlarious and action packed movies and games. just one thing, a lot of people make movies based on actual things such as AWeSOME the hedgehog nintendo vs sega, metal gear awesome etc.BUT no one has made anything about web browsers. no parody on firefox. no flash about safari, nothing about how internet explorer stinks, NOTHING. IF anyone actually cares, a debate about macs and pcs on newgrounds. AND if anyone thinks, all that is a waste of time.... well that's there opinion

no seriously....seriously!

Posted by tontanker - April 10th, 2009

Random PICTURE :p !


Posted by tontanker - March 13th, 2009

Well I tried submiting something, and guess how that went.....NOT EVEN 10 MINUTES AND IT GETS BLAMMED! Anyway, I thi k it's because I didn't add a preloader because i didn't know how to add one. Well, it was already on youtube, but to bad I couldn't submit it here. ALSO, it was an wmv file, but ExtremeThings was able to convert it into an swf file. If you are still wondering what it looked liked click below.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5 PztN19e728

Posted by tontanker - February 27th, 2009

I made a new picture for my user page. I might make that my logo for when i submit flash. Also, I'm still working on my sprite movie, but it will be out soon. Until then, enjoy this random picture I found.(it belongs to south park studios.com)

New Logo

Posted by tontanker - February 1st, 2009

YEA YEA I know, I haven't made any flash, and don't think that I don't want to, I just don't know how. Even if I did know I don't have any equipment. Also, whoever made that parody of Alvin Earthworm's smbz u are a person that needs something better to do than going around making a mockery of a good flash series. Anyway, NEWGROUNDS RULZ!
